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Session 06 - The Lady of the Lake Report

General Summary

Sunday, 2nd Reaping of 784  
  • Meet Mal'fada
  • The dark feeling of despair still lingers
  • Bury the six dead druids
  • Clionyss seems to finally step out of her strange madness and starts communication more clearly
  • She explains that something happened that corrupted the communion of the druids with the Lady of the Lake
  • She felt a need to dive after her and many druids went
  • She can cast Water Breathing on the party, they accept
  • The group prepares for the dive, they will have 24 hours of Water Breathing, some of them leave armor & equipment in the shore so they can more easily swim.
  • They dive and eventually found some tracks in the bottom of the lake that could indicate recent activity in an otherwise lake that is currently devoid of fauna
  • The track leads to an underwater tunnel about 10ft wide
  • They go into the tunnel and finally found fauna, sadly it was two swarms of quippers who seem very hungry for their flesh
  • The tunnel is dark and many of the them cannot see so the fight is quite brutal
  • They manage to finally finish the swarms and continue onwards inside the tunnel
  • The tunnel exits in what seems to be a cavern, maybe still under the lake or behind it, the group is unsure
  • The cavern opens into a ruins of some sort, but a man-made structure is there
  • The walls of the room where they arrived have a strange fresco with pictograms that suggest some sort of history being told
  • The party is able to discern that those frescos are not the first coat of paint and one underneath is there, with many repetitions of the spiral pattern
  • Two corridors exit from the first room, the group take the left onto a stone door, behind it a phantasmagorical figure and shadows attack them
  • The fight is harsh but all survive
  • Mal'fada and Archi decide that the danger is too great and with the Water Breathing spell ending in less than 22 hours, they prefer to leave now

Character(s) interacted with

  • Mal'fada, Human warrior from Harmony that came to help.
Haven Campaign
Galar Granito-Negro
Surreal Sha
Finnan Wildbridge
Report Date
24 Apr 2022
Primary Location

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