A Land of Plenty Physical / Metaphysical Law in Havenguard | World Anvil

A Land of Plenty

The beautiful craftsmanship of the elves tall towers overlooking expansive plains or guarding over sacred wells and waterfalls. The graceful flow of woodlands for miles with seemingly no end. The vast oceans crashing into fruitful shores where humans had built ports for fishing and trade. The large sandy deserts sprinkled with scenic, life-giving oases. The magnificent mountain ranges scraping the sky. The large bustling marketplaces of the sprawling cities. The canopies of expansive rainforests teeming with life. The caravans of nomadic tribes wandering along well trodden roads for the sake of pilgrimage. Armies marching to the location of the next conquest on the orders of whichever famed noble’s honour had been besmirched.   A profound darkness was the first omen to grace the surface with its presence. The sun blotted out as if it were a candle blown out by the wind. Birds began to fall from the sky as the quiet bleakness covered the land. Each curious human, elf and animal alike that dared to turn their gaze to the sky was instantly hollowed by the sight above. The expressions on their faces could have been mistaken for disbelief. A look of disbelief slowly morphed into a look of terror. Those poor frozen souls fixated at the heavens had their eyes melted out of their skulls first. Silently still fixated on the abyss above. Their skin darkened as if it was being scorched but there were no cries of pain. The stench of scorched flesh soon filled the air. Some ran out of their homes to try to save those outside but most were met with the same fate of those they were attempting to save. Others boarded up windows and doors in an attempt to distance themselves from the horrors outside.   The devastation was widespread.   A brutal cold followed quickly after.      
This is a submission for my first ever Summer Camp in 2024 - I hope you enjoy my writings and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback!


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