A Note and a Bucket

Created by Adam Tingley // Wreckerdwarf
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Pladeholder Dwof by Katy Smith
“The brutal cold that hit right after the purge of our friends and family was intense. Our lands turned to ice overnight and the light has been blotted out. The only silver lining was that the poor bastards caught outside were now unable to decay so they can’t stink up what little is left. All four of us that were on duty at the time are now just holed up here. Inside this shambles of an outpost that we now are forced to call home. I’m not sure why we were chosen to be the “lucky” ones that got to dodge a quick death. I can see it in the others’ eyes. They’re just biding time. Idiots. There is no way out of this. I saw one of ours run out to help Gendrid and just get melted into the ground. I ain’t going out there. None of us are. We’re just waiting for the rations to run out. We’re trapped and we all know it. It won’t be long now. If anyone ever finds this note, don’t look in the bucket in the corner.

You’re welcome.

One poor bastard from the Latonian Outreach
  An unfathomable number lost their lives in the recent devastation, there are a number of survivors that were caught inside at the time. Ironically, most of these in the human realms were nobles; those least likely to be able to exclusively care for themselves. The elves fared even worse with their open-roofed architecture giving unimpeded access to almost all living beings. The elves of the forests fared better but were cleared out by the frosts. A large number of orc strongholds were located within cave systems and naturally sheltered formations, causing the once trampled race to be one of the more successful survivors.   The frogfolk were the worst hit. Having eyes on the top of the head without the ability to divert the gaze destroyed all that weren’t underwater at the time. When the frosts came, the remainder lost their lives. Their huts and small settlements were absolutely annihilated.  
This is a submission for my first ever Summer Camp in 2024 - I hope you enjoy my writings and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback!

Cover image: by wallpapercave.com


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Jul 14, 2024 13:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Well, this is sad. :( Great concept though!

Jul 14, 2024 14:32 by Adam Tingley

Yeah, it's pretty bleak up there on the surface. Gotta set the stage though!