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Jul 20, 2024 03:58 by Ephraïm Boateng

The whiplash i had while reading this lol. Great Article nonetheless!

Jul 20, 2024 04:16 by Adam Tingley

Whiplash was the intended response so I must be doing something right haha

Jul 21, 2024 01:23

Oh I do love a bit of well written violence and the exploration of some darker themes.

Jul 21, 2024 02:44 by Adam Tingley

A fair few of my articles get that treatment. Grizik appears to be one of the more popular dark reads that I've done so far!

Jul 21, 2024 23:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Well, that escalated very quickly. XD   I think the city sounds beautiful - I mean, at least until the terrifying violence occurred. I also love the portrayal of elves as indulging for the sake of indulging. That's a nice twist on them.

Jul 21, 2024 23:17 by Adam Tingley

Indulgence is what elves do best!

Jul 28, 2024 21:01

Well written into and a lovely dark twist in the narrative. Now I'm curious about the Eclipse.

Jul 28, 2024 21:13 by Adam Tingley

The event is sprinkled around my Summer Camp articles I think there's around 4 based on that point in time so far :)

Aug 13, 2024 00:13 by Desdemona Rose

I really liked the description of the town and the sudden turn near the end. I am a little curious how Thirival lost his eyes, though also understand that the POV in that section wouldn't know. Leaving it as a mystery does had more tension to the scene. Overall, I like it.

Aug 13, 2024 02:09 by Adam Tingley

Thanks very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it :) There are a couple other articles of mine that give very slightly more detail but it's something I'm working on.