
Created by Adam Tingley // Wreckerdwarf
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Placeholder Giblin by Katy Smith
One of the direct results of the bloodletting practice amongst goblins is that of the atallins. They tower of the usual goblin’s 2.5ft frame at approximately 7ft tall. They are one of the largest sentient creatures to walk the lands (Or by aggressively clambering through the tunnels beneath the surface). They have bulging veins providing every part of their being the sustaining magicks required for them to maintain the form. Although these creatures are capable of thought, most of the rattlings within their minds tend to be that of consumption. A base need which not only spawned them into being but also drives them in almost every action. Consumption and violence.   These hulks are able to be satiated from time to time after gorging on food or other beings. Luckily for the goblins, they also have a taste for the rodent cattle that are kept in large numbers and reproduce even faster than their keepers.   These giant beings are considered sacred amongst the goblin folk of the underworld. They are a warcry manifest; A display of might over the other races. They spit in the face of the gods with their very existence and the goblins use this to their advantage. Using them as wrecking balls to crash through barriers set up to keep the lowlier goblins out of stockpiles or lesser protected areas of dwarven society.   Although goblins and atallins have been known to breach the surface and raid local towns and villages of humans, elves and orcs alike, they generally keep to the underground regions.   They have very goblinesque faces but with teeth that jut out of their mouths haphazardly. Tiny beady eyes that resemble those of the mythological bears of the surface realms. Large ears that resemble fins pinned to the sides of their primal faces. They have shorter legs than their stature would otherwise suggest, causing them to continually be hunched over slightly. They often use their clawed hands to crawl through the tight spaces of the goblin encampments.   A goblin encampment will often be altered over time when multiple atallins are present. When using the existing infrastructure they cause tunnels to be expanded, rodent cattle camps to drastically increase in size and output and forge the foundations of powerful warbands.  
This is a submission for my first ever Summer Camp in 2024 - I hope you enjoy my writings and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback!

Cover image: by Dream Reactor


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Jul 8, 2024 22:48 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Bears are mythical beasts now? :O   The atallins are kind of terrifying. I guess if there aren't enough rodent cattle they might turn on the goblins themselves? D:

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 8, 2024 22:58 by Adam Tingley

For the races that live underground - bears, moose, kangaroos - all of those would be mythological to them - Or at least that's the take I have haha

Jul 8, 2024 23:11 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Imagine hearing about a giraffe!

Emy x
Explore Etrea