Bulb Removal

Created by Adam Tingley // Wreckerdwarf
Placeholder Image
Placeholder Giblin by Katy Smith
Deep within the hierarchy of the shamanic goblin tribes there is a strong contingency of what could be described as addicts of magicks. These blessed golbinfolk are large, bloated and grotesque looking beings that also wield the highest magickal ability. Through the combination of conducting frequent blood rituals while also consuming concoctions of crushed minerals mixed with glowshrooms, they seek to channel their power further. While this does cause a much longer lifespan, it also comes with all of the side effects of substance abuse that the minerals and glowshrooms cause.   One of the side effects is the greatly increased speed of cellular regeneration provided by the mushrooms. Being able to very quickly repair damage to the body has been the cause of the increased life expectancy but has also meant that the rate at which cells divide has been amplified greatly. The result of this is the breaking down of the cells ability to replicate correctly causing large malignant tumours to grow.   A catalyst for the tumour growth is the blood magicks being practised. Frequently cutting into themselves to spill fourth their blood. The wounds heal rapidly afterward but sometimes in a damaged state which only increases the speed of deterioration.   In order to combat this hindrance and keep their traditional ritualistic ways alive, they have employed the expertise of the pilers to slice the tumours off of their bodies. These growths are then fed to the rodent cattle. Ironically, in turn this infected flesh is then ingested and incubated by the rodents. When they are then slaughtered and eaten by the goblins, it only stands to inject more cancerous cells which in turn develop more tumours.   However, the powers gained by the shamans are deemed worth the sacrifice. Being able to turn stone on a molecular level to almost a liquid. Or by being functionally immortal if they manage to escape death enough times throughout their usually short and violent lives.   A beautiful cycle of addiction, disease and consumption.  
This is a submission for my first ever Summer Camp in 2024 - I hope you enjoy my writings and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback!

Cover image: by Dream Reactor


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Aug 12, 2024 21:43 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

So gross. I get why they feel it is worth it, but I feel as though it wouldn't be. XD

Aug 12, 2024 22:28 by Adam Tingley

I think I need to add a painkilling effect somewhere... hmm