Purple Rock Salt Cookies

Created by Adam Tingley // Wreckerdwarf
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Pladeholder Dwof by Katy Smith


  A quickly made and joyous treat for any sensible dwarf or travelling denizen of our merchant city.



  1 1/2 tankards of flour
4 pinches of baking soda
2 pinches of ocean salt
1/2 tankard unsalted butter melted
1/2 tankard brown sugar
1/4 takard sugar
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
2 splashes of vanilla
1 tankard dark chocolate - roughly chopped
Purple rock salt for sprinkling


  Heat the oven to medium temperature. Line a baking slate or two with parchment paper.
In a bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda and ocean salt and set to the side.
In another bowl, beat the butter and sugar until combined and fluffy, about 5 minutes.
Beat in the egg and egg yolk until just combined.
Beat in the vanilla extract.
While mixing, beat in the dry ingredients until just combined.
Beat in the chopped chocolate.
Using your finest spoon, scoop a glob of dough onto the baking slate, leaving ample space between globs.
Sprinkle each dough ball with coarse purple rock salt.
Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, until set in the centre and slightly golden.
Let cool completely or else scald your impatient mouth.


  These delicious treats are a creation of the city of Bakan’Grod. Flour, sugar and butter are easily obtained from the humans that visit the settlement. The ocean salt, dark chocolate and vanilla extract is provided by the indulgent elves in the forests of the southern coast. A paltry sum of mithril is enough to obtain all of the surface dweller’s ingredients required to make these incredible delectable cookies. The remainder of the ingredients are found locally with the exception of the purple rock salt. This special salt is located near deposits of gravity crystals deep underground and has to be requisitioned. While the rock salt doesn't maintain the properties of the crystal itself, the salt is imbued with material of the crystals which gives it the lovely side effect of popping in your mouth while you’re eating! It’s always worth giving a rock a little lick just to try it out sometimes.   These cookies are often given out as gifts to merchants conducting valuable trade within the city. Greasing the gears a little makes the machine run smoother and these cookies really do the trick.

Author's note - In order to actually make these cookies, it's important to note that a medium heat is around 160°C and one tankard is equivelant to two cups!

This is a submission for my first ever Summer Camp in 2024 - I hope you enjoy my writings and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback!


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Aug 12, 2024 23:03 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

They sound yummy. I like that you've included conversions for us to make them. Sadly without the purple rock salt, though.

Aug 12, 2024 23:38 by Adam Tingley

You can buy some but it's a little pricey. Not sure how I can dye salt without dissolving it either. Hmm...