Runic Keepsakes

Created by Adam Tingley // Wreckerdwarf
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Pladeholder Dwof by Katy Smith
Dwarves are naturally more resilient to magic and its effects on the psyche. Although this comes with a number of benefits, one of the drawbacks is that protective magics need to be drastically more potent to have the desired effect. Runekeepers and Runescribes are those amongst the populace that have studied the ancient art of Runecrafting. These keepers and scribes are able to imbue all forms of protective magics onto objects. The most prolific and controversial of which is that of the runic inks used to brand the Outcasts.   These runes can be attributed to weapons, armour and architecture to improve its strength on a molecular level. The scribing of sacred runes has been known to increase the compressive strengths of a range of different forms of stone.   Lesser runes are also often inscribed onto personal items and keepsakes. To offer fortune or protection to those that keep them. For adults, this usually comes in the form of beard/hair clasps or rings but the items that these forms of runes are added to tends to change with cultural and generational trends.   Dwarven taverns also make use of minor runes on their ale steins to make the ale slightly bubblier. No sensible dwarf likes a flat drink so this forces them to drink the ales faster. Although this isn’t a proven tactic as the rate of drinking in these establishments is likely faster than this effect could take hold. Regardless, the runes are welcomed and almost everywhere in Dwarven society. Intricate geometric patterns across buildings could easily be mistaken for an architectural flair by the naive.   In recent times, the effectiveness of smaller rune inscriptions has been called into question by the younger dwarves. Smaller runes created by lesser scribes may carry little to no power. False runes are frequently sold as charms for visitors of the dwarven merchant towns (Such as Bakan’Grod) and as a result, some may have worked their way into regular circulation, causing a level of distrust for minor inscriptions.  
This is a submission for my first ever Summer Camp in 2024 - I hope you enjoy my writings and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback!

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Jul 14, 2024 21:06 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'Dwarven taverns also make use of minor runes on their ale steins to make the ale slightly bubblier. No sensible dwarf likes a flat drink so this forces them to drink the ales faster. Although this isn’t a proven tactic as the rate of drinking in these establishments is likely faster than this effect could take hold.' This is one of my favourite bits of worldbuilding ever.