
Created by Adam Tingley // Wreckerdwarf
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Pladeholder Dwof by Katy Smith
The depths of the earth host a wide variety of flora and fauna. Many vibrant species exist here without the usual requirements of those that live up on the surface. Some of the most successful in that regard are the insects and of those, the Stags are among the most impressive. Carnivorous beasts are few and far between underground and without the threat of natural predation, these glorious insects have been able to grow with impunity. Growing to a height of 1.5m and 2.5m length (Not including mandibles) for fully developed adults.   Although the giant insects can appear to be very threatening by sight, they are actually very docile. The mandibles are large as a direct result of selective mating between the males and females. From what can be discerned, the larger and shinier the mandibles, the higher the likelihood that the Stag will be selected for mating by the females of the species. The females of the species tend to have much smaller mandibles but larger abdomens. Colour differences between the males and females can also be striking. Ranging from vibrant greens/purples to deep blues and oranges.   These Stags are often revered within dwarven society. In the not-so-distant past, they were used for a wide range of applications. From ploughing the cluster fields for fungicultural purposes, to the transport of goods prior to the invention and wide adoption of the intercity cargo network.   The subsist primarily on a diet of calorically dense mushroom stalks. These stalks are naturally high in mineral content and this is passed onto any that eat them. This has the beneficial effect of drastically increasing the sturdiness of the Stag’s exoskeleton. Once a Stag outgrows this defensive shell, it just sheds it revealing a brand new and slightly larger exoskeleton underneath. These discarded exoskeletons can then be collected and treated to form a material known as “cracked tough” which is useful as an alternative to leather in all sorts of crafted goods.   The largest ever known Stag is currently kept in the personal menagerie of Frobious Grav’nak. Affectionately named “Toofie” by the Grav’nak family, the stag is over 2.5m tall and 3.5m in length. The Grav’nak family have always been integrated in the travel systems and as a child, Frobious was an impassioned Stagspotter.  
This is a submission for my first ever Summer Camp in 2024 - I hope you enjoy my writings and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback!

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Jul 14, 2024 20:56 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love them, and I love Toofie! :O <3

Jul 30, 2024 14:40 by Adam Tingley

Toofie is the best haha

Jul 30, 2024 13:14

This is so interesting, I love all the details about their anatomy!

Jul 30, 2024 14:40 by Adam Tingley

Thank you! I plan to expand upon all of my Summer Camp articles in the near future to bring them all to life :)