The Orcen Night

Created by Adam Tingley // Wreckerdwarf
Placeholder Image
Pladeholder Dwof by Katy Smith

Orcen Anatomy

  Orcs are one of the largest races that inhabit the surface; standing over seven and a half feet tall. They rely on their sheer brutality to best their opponents in battle. Even though their weaponry is usually crude and stunted, their total reach can be devastatingly long. Easily enough to challenge the longsword battalions that the human race regularly fields against them.   Their skin is usually referred to as that of an olive and all its various shades, although, to see through the grime they’re usually encrusted in makes that a challenge. Tusks protrude from their mouths in an upwards manner as if they were born with the head protection required to fight. Bony protrusions are also present on their elbows, knees and chests. Natural selection has deemed that these beings require the additional protection after endless millenia of warfare.   They’re also able to develop strong musculature from a very young age and are trained to build on them when not actively battling. They do this through actively hunting prey. Orcs are fully aware of a number of agricultural practices but through long standing ancestral traditions they have kept to their older ways.   Orcs have also been known to blend the manner in which they live between that of nomadic and cave-dwelling depending on season, availability of supplies or proximity to races that pose a threat.


Orcen / Dwarven Relations

  Dwarves rarely come into contact with the Orcs. Generally, the two races try to keep apart from one another if at all possible. However, there are some settlements of each race that overlap in spheres of influence on their surroundings. Dwarfkin need access to various types of obsidian and that can largely be found in the vicinity of the volcanic Orc-laden regions of the planet. As such, some small-scale wars have broken out between the two races over the centuries.   These wars are usually treated as scouting party losses for the dwarves but fully fledged battles for the Orckin. Usually beginning throughout the cold periods on the surface when a number of Orc move into cave systems.   These skirmishes are recounted and inscribed into soft stone before being transferred onto hard slate as all dwarven history requires. One of the more recent records to surface from the minor city state of Karak’Thoon.  
“Post-Rest - We marched through the caves chasing the faint flow of air for hours. A low rumbling can be heard far above. The noise travelled through the stone to us. Contact was made with several goblinfolk but they were dispatched swiftly by the safety of the axe. Occasional larger chambers have been discovered but material is not of note. Rumbling again, a little louder this time. Our commander orders us to err on the side of caution and we take the next hour excruciatingly slowly as we traverse the stalactite encrusted caves. The rumbling happens again. Much louder this time. Lights coming quickly from the tunnels ahead. ORCS”
  The scripture pauses, indicating that a battle has taken place and then resumes...  
“Seven brothers and sisters have fallen. A great loss to us all. May their names be honoured and remembered.   Kin Bail’lun - Leader of the charge - Pike would to the face
Kin Kot’lan - Felled 3 - Hatchet wound to the head
Kin Bor’beyir - Felled 7 - Armour caved into chest
Kin Pil’out - Felled 2 - Face crushed
Kin Rev’khor - Felled 1 - Numerous arrow impacts through soft points in armour
Kin Rev’klos - Felled 3 - Succame to wounds
Kin Grag’Oros - Succame to wounds
  Our band stands strong at 14 remnants.
All orcs dispatched.
Scouts sent back to Karak’Thoon to request support to bring back the bodies for burial and to give word to the families of the slain.
  Our trackers have indicated that the Orcs should not have been down here. The temperature in these tunnels is lower than expected and the orcs seemed almost fearful when fighting. They seemed to be malnourished and withered and their camp is barely stocked. A collection of ramshackle and run down wooden poled huts. They look to have been settled here for far longer than expected. Many months by the state of wear on the animal hides. There are rocks blocking what we assume is the way out towards the surface and there are tool marks on many of the stones. Did they… close themselves into the cave? What manner of beast dares drive the Orc into hiding? Many questions and oddities.
      Upon their deaths where the usual triumphant death cries are let out there were only jaded whimpers.
  This is behaviour we have not seen amongst the orc kin.
  Scholars to be notified.”


Scholarly Conclusions

  The camp must have been set up for almost a year judging by the sediment buildup in low-traffic areas of the Orc camp.   Further inspection of the rocks confirm that they are indeed blocking the exit tunnels out to the surface. The rocks display marks which indicate that they were hastily hewn from surrounding stone and lodged into place. Other marks on the stone appear to be attempts to break back through.   The camp itself is a hurried collection of building materials and supplies. Grooves in the softer stone of the ground in the tunnel show that the main tent-like structures were forcibly dragged this far into the cave.   There were no major armaments and the supplies look to be divided out into rations. Highly incompatible with previous encounters.   Some of the corpses look to have recently healed scarring from what look to be orcish blades and weaponry but infighting for the orcs is remarked as a rarity.   Our conclusion is that the camp was hastily set up and sealed off due to civil conflict.   The blood inked paintings that cover the walls of the camp seem to depict a large battle taking place near to the surface. Some orcs are depicted as being fixated, looking upward with a distinct absence of ink where the eyes should be.   Further research is needed.  
This is a submission for my first ever Summer Camp in 2024 - I hope you enjoy my writings and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback!

Cover image: by wallpapercave


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Aug 11, 2024 13:14 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I feel kind of sorry for those orcs. I wonder what they were so afraid of.

Aug 11, 2024 14:15 by Adam Tingley

The mystery :0