The Roar of Bakan’Grod

Created by Adam Tingley // Wreckerdwarf
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Pladeholder Dwof by Katy Smith
One of the fiercest features of the Bakan’Grod settlement is that of the defensive systems in place to protect the above ground section of the city. If this settlement fell to an invading force, the city below would be put at great risk. The city's proximity to the surface was a choice forged out of the necessity of trade on behalf of other deeper city states in nearby regions. The inhabitants know this weakness and haven’t come unprepared. Numerous defensive systems line the large hexagonal outer wall and the smaller inner wall. The inner wall is lined with mortar crews that can fire masterfully crafted marble bola shot a great distance out into the open plains that surround the city on its west and south sides. The outer walls are lined with individual fortified outcrops on each point of the hexagonal structure that face the open plain. Each outcrop houses 3 ballistae, space for their firing teams and ammo. The outcrops can also house a small division of Dragoons that have line of sight along the walls for even further defence.   The main defence of the city is colloquially known as the “Roar of Bakan’Grod”. It’s a system of large piping that originates in the forges deep within the city below. At the origin of the pipe and at regular points along the pipework, there are huge multi-chambered bellows that are able to force large volumes of air into the pipes on demand. When the system is called into action, molten magma is forced up into the pipe system and quickly makes its way to the surface.   One of the few times the Roar of Bakan’Grod was needed to be used was part of a failed orcish attack on the settlement. As the orcs were attempting to use crude bombs to damage the outer wall, the large stonework dwarven faces began to rumble. Their mouths slid down from behind their large stony beards to show an opening. A wind could be heard coming from the opening, which increased to a rushing and then into a hurricane of force. The sound increased until it was deafening for those unfortunate enough to be nearby. A few seconds later the noise was muted and in its place molten magma was violently spewed out of the openings. Reaching over one hundred metres from the wall itself in some places. The magma rained down upon the orcish band covering them in heavy, sticky, molten rock and slag. As it reduced in flow to a small belch out of the dwarven mouths, the wind began rushing out of the mouth once more to rain down fire and rock on the remains of the attackers. Even for orcs, seeing their own get cooked inside of their shoddy armour under the weight of molten rock was enough for them to call a retreat. The battlefield was turned into an impassable fiery wasteland of corpses and victory was called.  
This is a submission for my first ever Summer Camp in 2024 - I hope you enjoy my writings and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback!

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Jul 8, 2024 23:14 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I was like 'ooo, marble bolus!' and then I was like :O at the ingenious pipes and magma spewing contraption of the dwarves. Sounds like it is relatively effective. I would also beat a hasty retreat.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Aug 25, 2024 15:09 by Agnes

You know you gotta play with molten rocks and magma, it's an amazing defense! Really cool article, I like that it's called the roar!

Aug 25, 2024 15:36 by Adam Tingley

Thank you very much! :D