
Created by Adam Tingley // Wreckerdwarf
Tit's to it all!
Vilius'tit looking devilish as always by Alaxandra Edom
This entity is one of chaos and mischief. It is commonly attributed as the cause of mistakes within any runic inscriptions. If an axe misses its mark or a hammer hits metal without flattening it, it’s always the fault of Vilius’tit. Every dwarf knows of Vilius’tit and some even claim to have seen him lurking around in the shadows. Claiming that he is a short and grotesque looking gargoyle of a creature. A constant nuisance to the workings of the dwarves.   Many a cask of ale have been poorly tapped as a result of Vilius’tit. Too many beard clamps have plucked hairs away from unsuspecting chins or food dropped to a cold and unforgiving floor. All due to the shoddy runes. The shenanigans of Vilius’tit are numerous but whenever something undue happens, you can be sure to faintly hear tittering coming from nearby.   So prevalent are the issues caused by Vilius’tit that the immediate response that comes out of dwarven mouths when something goes awry is usually “Aw tits!”. This curse word is generally removed from speech when the youngsters are about but occasionally is picked up by them regardless. Sometimes on the courtyards around school areas you can hear dwarven children taking on the persona of Vilius to chase others in a game.   The most prevalent sightings of Vilius’tit’s handiwork are usually in the taverns that are dotted around the tavern square of any city. It seems as though most of the mischief occurs around those that show signs of drunkenness. You can be sure that this is just old Vilius taking advantage of the inebriated and has absolutely nothing to do with the less coordinated movements of the intoxicated.   Although an utter mystery, the chain of events that cause an error to be made always link back to old Vilius. They always have done. A Dwarf is incapable of making a mistake otherwise.  
This is a submission for my first ever Summer Camp in 2024 - I hope you enjoy my writings and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback!

Cover image: by


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Jul 14, 2024 20:51 by Marjorie Ariel

I love a mischievious spirit that is responsible for everything that goes wrong. Great ending!

Jul 14, 2024 23:43 by Adam Tingley

A tiny git of the highest caliber!

Jul 14, 2024 23:31 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This made me smile a lot as I was reading it. "Aw, tits!"

Jul 14, 2024 23:42 by Adam Tingley

I just got asked to read it on Discord for some of my partners friends. Was a good giggle haha