The Tapestry of Vierda

Epoch of Lament

1 EL and beyond

A godless dark age, a cold time of harsh truths and boundless conflict. The wolves are at the gate and the folk of Vierda will face them fangs bared.

  • 1 EL

    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Gods clash across the heavens for a year and a day. All hope fades, as Heavenly steel cleaves mountains and their blood drowned cities. Faith is lost and so were the gods in the end...     They now lay dead, and the world has been remade, cold and heartless. The folk of Vierda abandon their pantheon and turn to the old ways. They forsaken their names and deeds hoping never give rise to such selfish beings again.

  • 10 EL

    The Rise of The High King
    Political event

  • 14 EL

    The Heathen laws are established
    Religious event

    The unspoken Rule since the Fathnornacht and the Night of shattered stars took place has officially been written into law by the High king of Vierda. It is here where we see the foundations of modern Isle society take shape. Power is given to the druid councils across the realm as the new religious and judicial forces in Vierda in all matters concerning The Nameless.