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Scattering of the Earthwarden

There are many tales of the Goddess of Creation, Taria. Many of the devout view her as the mother of all Atharians, for she is the one who smithed the planes of the Cosmic Sea, using her hammer, Earthwarden. This tale, the Scattering of the Earthwarden, is one which is often shared. There are many Hefflings who, to this day, are seeking for the pieces of the Earthwarden; for it was broken and scattered across the planes.  

Synopsis of the Myth

Taria was gifted by her mother and father, the Earthwarden. With it she created the planes of the world, including Atharia. However, Taria's sister, Sapa was jealous; therefore she one day stolen Earthwarden from Taria and began altering, corrupting and even destroying many planes. Enraged by this, Taria attempted to defend her children in the planes and fought with Sapa. During this fight, many more planes were destroyed, as they'd both use them for their own cause. Eventually this caused the hammer to break into two pieces, causing the head to fly to one direction and the shaft to another. The massive cosmic war has stopped, but the rivalry between the light and darkness continued.  

Picking up the Pieces

Between this conflict are the children involved. Many of which aligned themselves to one side or the other, whereas others decided to say neutral. There are many who disbelieve this myth, though there are those who do. For them, there is a great possibility of these pieces of the Earthwarden are somewhere to be found. Wouldn't it be nice if Taria had all the pieces again? Therefore, she can recreate the planes in her original vision. Perhaps it would be better if Sapa continued her work? Or perhaps, someone else ought to have the Earthwarden for themselves?

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