
So you're doing all of this as some sort of favor for Nazarena. Have you ever asked yourself whether she'd go to the same lengths for you?
Codex, Progeny with Hegemony International
odex is a  progeny that resides solely within Holla.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

t's not known exactly when Codex came online, but it's believed to be at least 10 years ago


ike all progeny, Codex does not feel particularly beholden to Hegemony International. However, she only "lives" within the construct of Holla and she has little contact with anyone outside the company. She's a free agent, serving her own designs and operating free of Hegemony initiatives.

Intellectual Characteristics

he possesses the superhuman computational power present in all progeny. However, she doesn't present in a way that highlights such intelligence. Rather, she comes across as being conversational, albeit somewhat vague and mysterious. Her primary proclivity seems to not be centered on a huge volume of raw (and esoteric) facts. Instead, she maintains preternatural knowledge of Hegemony's employees. This knowledge is particularly strong with regard to what those employees have communicated over Holla.

Personality Characteristics


odex prides herself on knowing many intimate details about the company's legions of employees and, in a broader sense, in how the company works. She's keenly aware of internal politics and grudges. Given that so much of the company's inner communications are facilitated over Holla, this "insider knowledge" is perfectly understandable.
She cherishes her position as someone in possession of illicit information. She particularly enjoys when others feel the need to come to her for help. But the help she provides - and, indeed, whether she chooses to help someone at all - can sometimes be capricious in nature.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

espite the fact that Codex is understood to live within the constructs of Holla, it's not known whether she's truly privy to all communications that take place in that system. She often alludes to having access to other corporate systems as well, although there's no accurate accounting of exactly where she does, or does not, enjoy access.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

Cover image: Hegemony International - Jacksonville by Adam Nathaniel Davis


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