Fantasy CVS and/or Walmart
Fantasy CVS and slash or Walmart:
What, the genuine fuck. Usually an old gothic looking building with a shitty neon sign duct taped on. The name depends on what the party ones- CVS is for apothecary health potion shit, walmart is for general items. It’s.. weird. It’s so weird. The energy inside is INCREDIBLY modern and 21st century and the party members seem to be the only ones who can fucking see the store if it's anywhere outside of Henu. It tends to clip into it’s surroundings strangely. The vibes are, dare I say, fucking rancid.
The owner of all of them is a little man named Medjed. He is a creacher. He is strange. He doesn’t talk but somehow his ideas come across. Buy his wares.
He has a normal shop sort of area, but theres also an Item Dispenser:tm: that takes tokens that can be found in Seemingly random fucking places. Players can also trade their inspiration in for random items! Rane will reward them a token for each quest they do. Use Magic item cards to draw the items.
The rest of the shop has pretty much any fucking item you can think of, each at their regular price. It's a lot.
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