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Khimaira | Chimera

Little is truly understood about the enigmatic Chimera, a beast which as since time immemorial defied all logic and sensibility by its very existence. With the powerful front body of a lion, the sturdy and agile rear body of a goat, the wicked tail of the typhodrakhon, and the heads of all three creatures, the chimera combines all of these into a brutal, firebreathing, engine of destruction.

Basic Information


The Chimera is a large quadruped combining the features of a lion, a wild goat, and a typhodrakhon. The chimera has two heads at the front of its body, a lion's head centered on the neck and a goat's head jutting out to one of the sides (which side differs from chimera to chimera). The forelimbs and chest of the chimera resemble that of a lion, with large clawed paws at the end. The rear of the body and limbs resemble that of a large wild goat, with cloven hooves. A row of short spines grows from the chimera's back, running to the tail which resembles the serpentine body of a typhodrakhon.

Genetics and Reproduction

Despite the fact that they are visually a hybridization of three unrelated animals, the chimera is capable of reproducing and does so in a way most similar to a mundane lion. Female Chimera can reproduce at around five years of age, and the gestation period is between three and four months.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Chimera is an obligate carnivore and seems able and willing to hunt just about any living animal to consume, including sapient species. While solitary, using a mix of claws, teeth, horns, and fire, the Chimera is capable of taking down prey much larger than itself, including the catoblepas and elephant. Chimera have been sighted using their fire-breath to "cook" their food prior to eating it, indicating a level of intelligence not seen in many other wild animals.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Unlike lions, the Chimera is a primarily solitary creature, only willingly interacting with other members of their species to mate. Mothers will raise their cubs for about half a year before going their separate ways. When two chimera meet outside of reproductive cycles, the confrontation is typically violent as they seek to defend their territory.
10-15 years
Conservation Status
It is unknown how many Chimera still live in the wild, though they are sighted enough that they definitely aren't extinct. The chimera has no legal protections, and the military is obligated to kill all they can due to their destructive nature and tendency to interfere in agriculture and trade.
Average Height
Average Weight
~400 lbs


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