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Homebrew Rules

House Rules Downed. The pull to Hades is strong. Coming back from 0 hitpoints causes 1 level of exhaustion each time this occurs. 1 level of exhaustion is removed with each complete long rest   Spears. The walls of Sparta were its young men, and its borders the points of their spears. To better reflect Greek warfare, spears deal increased damage (1d8 increased from 1d6. This increases to 1d10 when wielded with both hands)   Potions. I am going into battle and I want your strongest potions. Healing potions can be drunk as a bonus action, rolling for hitpoints. Administering a potion requires a full action and hitpoints are rolled. Using a full action to drink a healing potion yourself restores the maximum amount of hitpoints possible by that potion   Death. The hands of Thanatos and Hermes work quickly. Any humanoid that has been dead for over one minute cannot be resurrected by spells. Their souls have already been delivered to the Ferryman   Well fed. Let food be thy medicine. Taking the time to prepare and cook a meal more complicated than "travel rations" grants temporary hitpoints to those who eat your meal. These hitpoints are equal to player level and stack with other sources of temporary hitpoints. Hitpoints gained from multiple meals do not stack   Piety. Your deeds are observed by the Gods. Working to further your favoured Gods ambitions increases your piety score. Devoted characters may receive boons from their patron as a token of recognition of their devotion   Scrolls. Magic for the masses. All classes can attempt to use magic scrolls, even if the stored spell is not found on their spell list. When a spell casting modifier is required, use an ability from the class lists where the spell is usually found, e.g. to cast Catapult you can choose either INT or CHA, as the spell belongs on the Sorcerer, Wizard, and Artificer spell list   Currency. Money makes the world go round. Drachma replace gold coins as the standard currency, at a 1:1 ratio. Drachmae can be split in smaller denominations called obols, with 6 obols equaling 1 drachma. Electrum, copper, and platinum have been removed   Races. Prometheus shaped man out of mud, and Athena breathed life into his clay figure. You are free to choose your playable race, but you are encouraged to choose something thematically “Greek mythology”. The only restricted race is Warforged


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