Cult of Hela (The Old Ways) Organization in Hellfrost | World Anvil
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Cult of Hela (The Old Ways)

Duties: To help spirits to travel back to their realm, to aid the spirits find peace, to fight the worshipers of Hela the Undead.   Sins: (Minor) refuse giving burial rites to any creature, refusing to free a trapped soul, refusing to aid or working against a self-aware spirit (Usually belonging to any race that does burial rites (Major) willfully slaying a minor self-aware spirit, failing to stop a Hela the Undead worshiper from achieving his/her/its goals; Create a minor undead (Mortal) willfully slaying mayor self-aware spirit. Create a major undead.     The faction of the Sprits and Redemption: When Hela freed all the souls from the Abyss, it brought calamity to the world in the shape of a plague of undead. A few of the old ways worshippers interpreted Hela's action as one of redemption. Even though the price had been high by creating thousands of undead, she had freed thousands if not millions of times that many souls. They called themselves The Cult of the Old Ways   Hela’s priests are concerned with ensuring that the souls of the dead transition to the afterlife and protecting the ones that remain in this world (so they can transition). Exorcising the living is a core part of their daily routine. Paladins serve as guardians of the spirit world. They punish anyone that entraps and enslaves spirits, as well anyone that upsets them: grave robbers, spirit binders, spirit summoners, etc.   Undead are considered friendly and to be treated with respect, but often forced to be confronted with in order to free their soul/spirit. Friendly undead are considered like normal sentient beings with the same rights.   Holy Day: First and last day of Deorcmonan each month. (Same as evil, it is considered a day of truce)   Festivals involve freeing and cleansing large amount of trapped souls and spirits. Worshippers wear skull masks during these celebrations, mimicking the forms they hope to achieve once Hela creates her realm of undeath.   The followers of the old aspect: There are relatively few that follow the old way. Most of the old followers of Hela began to follow Scaetha after her...indiscretion. Because ours is not a popular path, we can be ostracized by those that misunderstand us and/or equate us to followers of the new aspect. We don't always advertise our beliefs and sometimes will pose as a follower of Scaetha because we share so many of the same beliefs. In some parts of the realm, followers of Hela might be disguised as well respected followers of Scaetha. Additionally, followers of Hela sometimes feel the need to meet in secret. But the community is tight, and powerful members throughout the realm are well known within the group. My character may be known only as a fighter. Perhaps even to some of his friends or even family.   What does a follower of Hela do (Old Aspect)?   First, when their time comes, souls need to depart their bodies and be ushered into the afterlife. I am bound to perform last rites on those have recently passed so that they may pass on. Both friends and enemies. Scaetha serves as the judge in Hela's place, and that's fine. I send spirits on to her using the ways of her own priests.   Second, regardless of whatever happened to Hela to cause her transformation, converting people into new followers of Hela is critical to undoing it. I must convert at least a handful of people to her ways during my lifetime to keep the original aspect alive. Afterall, our prayers power her.   What does a Paladin of Hela (Old Aspect) do?   First, undead must be killed and their souls returned to the Abyss. There's no hatred here, it's just a duty, a duty to undo Hela's "mistake" one soul at a time. Demons do not belong outside the Abyss, again it is my duty to send them back. I don't have any compulsion to recklessly seek them out or go after any undead or demon I find by any means necessary because I understand this is a long battle that will not be won in my lifetime. I'm just a single gear in the massive machine. I need to do my job effectively/efficiently. The best way to do that is to do it for a long time. I am more of an opportunist. If I thought my purpose was to recklessly slaughter as many undead as possible, I would just go to the Withered Lands and see how long I could last. There are a finite number of undead/souls that were released by Hela, we just have to find and kill them all. But that problem is not growing.   Second, followers of Hela's new aspect are a different story. They are a spreading plague that must be stopped, and the ends justify the means so it doesn't matter how it gets done. They spread their poisonous word to new followers, and their prayers give power to Hela's new aspect. They must all be destroyed by any means necessary. If the only way to kill a group of cultists was to burn down a hospital filled with innocent children, this should be considered. Again, no recklessness here because we're outnumbered. Still have to get the job done though.   Third, I must convert and train a champion to take my place when I have fallen or are too old to wield a sword. I was trained by my mentor in this way and I must do the same, just as we have done for the last 700 years.   What do the Followers of the Old way believe:   The main belief for the followers of the Old Way is that Hela never betrayed us. She did what she did because she had to. Why? Nobody knows for sure, they have theories (see below), but in the end, Hela has never chosen to share he reasons with mortals.
  This Cult believes that Hela has found a new purpose for the spirits of the dead, they know, like everyone else, that the gates of Hel remain closed, but the spirits, unless stuck as undead do go -somewhere- with the proper rites. THAT is at the core of most of the tenants for the Cult: to help the spirits of the dead find Hela promptly and fulfill the destiny She has chosen for them.
  One thing seems true, once you die, you die, and you never come back to tell what is going on after the veil. There are legends and Myths about how before the so-called "Betrayal" clerics and mystics had the power to resurrect people. The Elves seem to agree with that, but who knows if they are telling the truth. Doesn't quite matter if it -was- possible, it isn't now, but if it was possible... someone coming from the dead would sure be able to answer so many questions
  There are scholars among the Cult that dedicate their whole life to finding out the reasons behind Hela's actions. Some claim to have answers, some are still searching. The Paladins of Hela, known as The Spirit Knights often take the vow to travel the world and search for the secrets and knowledge behind this event.
  Why did Hela close the gates? - General answer: we don't know for sure
  Is it related to the HellFrost war that came later? - General answer: we don't know for sure. We tend to think that if it is related it is so indirectly as the events are separated by ~300 years
  Is it related to the Lich Priest invasion? - General answer: absolutely. The Lich Priest appeared and gained power as a result of Hela's actions. Why would Hela cause such horror? We don't know, but we know for sure that she had a good reason.
  Where does the Cult of the New Ways get their power from? - General answer: We don't know how but we do know that they found a way to tap their power from the energy of the undead. Our firm belief is that a Demon has taken advantage of the gates being closed to harness the energy of the undead and the Cult of the New Ways to exalt itself into a minor god and taken the guise of "Dark Hela" to attract more power-hungry followers
  Are the Demon Gate wars somehow related to Hela's actions? - General answer: we don't have enough information. Maybe some scholar knows more about this.
Religious, Organised Religion
Priesthood: Spirit Lords or Ladies (priests Spirit Knights (paladins).


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