Dargar, Scourge of the Weak Character in Hellfrost | World Anvil
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Dargar, Scourge of the Weak

Dargar is the son of Tiw, but is far more bloodthirsty than his father. Whereas Tiw revels in battle for the sake of battle, Dargar is the patron of senseless violence and bloody slaughter. Few of the civilized races worship him. Dargar is typically shown as a fearsome warrior bedecked in grisly trophies and covered in blood.   His temples are always located in out of the way places, often underground, and bedecked in grisly trophies taken from victims. As well as severed heads and limbs, it is not unusual to find flayed corpses hanging from the ceiling, or eviscerated bodies manacled to walls. Clergy usually carry small trophies, such as hands, ears, and tongues on their person. Dargar’s temples are not allied with each other. Unless a crusade has been called for, temples view each other as rivals for Dargar’s blessing. Thus, members are as likely to war against each other, as they are outsiders. Dargar’s clergy preach that their god is not a foe of the civilized races, but is rather an ally, culling the weak who hold back the races from growing to their true potential, and ensuring that only the strongest survive to breed. Mercy, they say, is for the weak.   Priests are usually torturers or war leaders, whereas paladins are remorseless killers, slaughtering all who cross their path. The cult is universally outlawed in civilized lands, and adherents can expect the courts to use their own philosophy of "mercy is for the weak" against them by summarily executing members.

Divine Domains

Aspects: Slaughter, senseless violence, massacres, cannibalism, orcs, goblins.

Holy Books & Codes

  • Priesthood: Hounds (priests Wolves (paladins).
  • Herald: Dargar’s heralds are the same as Tiw’s.
  • Signature Power: Smite. TBD
  • Trappings: Any, except necromantic ones.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbol: A blindfolded, severed head with a bite mark taken out of the skull.

Tenets of Faith

  • (Minor) not eating sentient flesh once a week, being beaten by a lesser foe;
  • (Major) leaving survivors, eating vegetable matter more than once a month;
  • (Mortal) avoiding bloodshed, showing mercy.


None. Celebrations are held after the successful completion of an act of barbarity.   Most festivals to the god of slaughter involve torture, death and the eating of the victims' flesh. sometimes victims are made to slaughter each other in grisly gladiatorial events. Those who survive have the "honor" of being eaten alive.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Duties: To bathe in the blood of other creatures, to cleanse society of the weak, to strengthen others through confrontation.

  Scourge of the Weak, Eater of the Dead, Lord of Terror, Screamer in the Dark, He Who Strengthens Through Adversity, the Defiler.
Divine Classification


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