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  The white, snow-covered slopes of the Gray Mountains range loom large behind this quiet lakeside town. Neverfrost started as a camp by the Neverfrost lake for the Wild Bunch. The Wild Bunc was one of the first packs created after the Wolf Pack and consisted, mostly of Wolves of the Shadow from the northern Unclaimed Lands region.   The surviving members of the The Wild Bunch (Esland, Trova, Akena, and Shin Aral) decided to follow the example set by The Wolf Pack and founded the town with the goal of helping other packs and groups of adventurers survive in this area. Eventually they "retired" from adventuring and just stuck around, enjoying the company and stories of visiting adventurers.   As the camp grew, a wooden palisade was added to discourage raiders. The ruins of an ancient castle and a few adjacent unrecognizable buildings have been partially raided for treasure and building materials, but since most of it remains buried under perpetual snow, it may still hold a secret or two.   Neverfrost as it is known today consists of terraced rows of houses that recede from the shore of lake Neverfrost like the tiers of an amphitheater. Buried under the snow on the slopes above the last row of houses are the ruins of the ancient Castle, a reminder to the people of Neverfrost that nothing lasts in this corner of the world.   Travel to and from this remote town means a long and arduous journey, but it is rewarded by the surprisingly warm waters of the Neverfrost lake that remains completely unfrozen even during the worst of the winter.   Despite being the northmost enclave of the Finnar, the people of Neverfrost are, like the lake it takes its name from, warm and welcoming. They believe that the Hellfrost has spared them and they revel in their blessing. To add to their feeling of wellness, the townfolk swear by the quality of the beer at the local tavern, which never seems to run out.   Neverfrost's main attractions are the hot spring waters that feed the lake and the numerous ancient elven (mostly) ruins in the area. The town maintains contact with the elven cities within the Great Forest, but only the Wolves of the Shadow in good standing with the elves dare to wander deep into their lands. Caravans of Taiga elves trading with the Wolves of the Shadow are a common sight in the area.   Unfortunately, the town has suffered several mysterious break-ins recently, with no evidence of the intruders except boot tracks in the snow leading north. Since there are no known settlements in that direction, the townsfolk assume that Hellfrost’s long-lasting winter has taken its toll on the nomadic people of the Unclaimed Lands, forcing them to come down from the mountains, the tundra in search of food or beer.   The town speaker, a heavy-drinking lady named Trova, patrols at night to keep an eye out for trouble. In her inebriated state, however, Trova is prone to wandering out onto the lake or passing out on the ramshackle docks, and she almost never remembers her nightly patrols once her head clears.  

Neverfrost in a Nutshell

Friendliness ❄❄ Services ❄❄ Comfort ❄❄❄
Population. 150.
Jarl. Trova (female human Wolf of the Shadow Clan) a retired adventurer, represents the town. Trova won over her fellow townsfolk with her brawn and good humor, though she’s too blunt to be a good politician and drinks too much.
Sacrifice to Hellfrost. Food


This tavern owes its popularity to the free half-pints of ale that the proprietor, Esland Oakton (half-elf, Wolf of the Shadow), keeps on the table by the front door. He presses one into the hand of every person who stops by, which compels most of them to stay to order seconds and thirds. The tavern’s name refers both to the endless stream of pints and half-pints that the owner keeps bringing to his patrons (whether they ask for them or not) and the last drink call of the night—when locals challenge visitors to a drinking contest—to the last drink that sends a losing contestant under the table.
  Esland gets his ale from the dwarves who live in the valley by the Gray Mountains   Esland is a great admirer of the original Wolf Pack and has followed their adventures and exploits his whole life.    

Frozenfar Expeditions

Adventuring outfitter
Run by a seasoned ranger named Akena Swifsson (female human WotS), this shop sells adventuring gear. Attached to the shop is a locked wooden shed where Akena stores a pair of dogsleds and a kennel where he keeps a dozen healthy sled dogs. Six dogs are enough to pull each sled. Helping Akena run the shop is an experienced mountain guide named Jarthra Farzassh (female dwarf). The two have an excellent rapport, mixed with some competitive ribbing.   Age has caught up with Akena. She can feel the cold in her joints and ventures out less frequently than she once did. Nowadays, she prefers to stay indoors while offering Jarthra’s services as a wilderness guide.    

The Northern Light

The inn gets its name from a magic lantern that once hung above the front door. Someone stole it recently, depriving the establishment of some of its charm.   The inn is kept by the Shorard sisters (female human Gjallarhorn). The younger, Allie, is lithe and charming; she greets guests and does all the cleaning. The older, Cori, is stout and scowling; she sees to the inn’s provisioning and handles all the cooking. The sisters cast baleful glances at one another and bicker behind closed doors, but nothing ever comes of their feuds, as evidenced by the fact that they’ve been running the inn together for more than a decade.    

Tel' Faer Pir

Magic shop
“Tel' Faer Pir” in elvish means “The Magic Shop”, and it is owned by Shin Aral (Treasure hunter in elvish) a very literal and no-nonsense Taiga Elf. Shin Aral’s shop is one of the best stocked in the north thanks to the numerous ruins surrounding the area and the even more numerous adventurers that come and go wanting to trade on his wares.


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