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  Uppsala Located in the southern part of The Great Forest under a huge hill this peaceful village lies on the ruins of the ancient city from which it takes its name. The inhabitants of the village are, for the most part, members of the Arctic Crows clan. Most of them are involved with the Temple in one way or another, but at the same time fulfill the roles of a self-sufficient town: peasants and farmers who live a quiet life, contributing in large part to the sustenance of the many sages living in the temple. Once an opulent and rich city, today the settlement is mostly modest huts and stables built out of the remains of the Uppsala of old.
  The village’s Jarl is Jarlr Alrekr Sigthollr “Pillar of Victory”, who manages to be at the same time vassal to Arctic Crows Council, a friend to King Asbjorn, and a friend to the Leaders of the Shadow Wolves.  

The Jarl's House

The house of the Jarl Alrekr Sigthollr is the largest and oldest dwelling in the village, the only one dating back to its golden age. Its mighty structure and wooden walls are etched with fine knotwork and scenes portraying the Æsir (Northern Pantheon). Within it, in addition to the Jarl, live 4 Guards and 4 Commoner servants.  

Temple of Uppsala

A sacred path connects the village of Uppsala to its temple, climbing the hill and then plunging into the trees for a few hours of traveling before allowing pilgrims to see the imposing temple. A thick fog almost always shrouds the hilltop, giving the temple a mystical and yet frightening appearance.   All are welcome to Uppsala, whether in search of answers or forgiveness, and everyday pilgrims bearing offerings arrive at the temple and are welcomed by the priests who live on the hill. The temple and most of the sacred structures surrounding it date back to the ancient splendor of Uppsala. Only thanks to the meticulous care of the sages they have been preserved to the present day.   The hill hosts several circles of Druids and priests, that of the Arctic Crows that make Upsala their true home being among the largest and most illustrious.  

Pilgrims Camp

This area is the only one where pilgrims visiting Upsala can rest, a barren land for travelers to pitch their tents. No other comforts are offered to those who come in search for divine help.  

The Workshop of Svenn Skallfoss

Not all those who arrive in Uppsala are there for the temple, however. It is said that the local blacksmith is none other than the famous Svenn Skallfoss, one of the best of all Rassilon. According to others, Svenn once worked for the court of King Asbjorn of the Thunor’s Eye clan, going into “exile” for his dark past. There are also those who believe he unearthed a dwarven forge dating back to the first settlement of Uppsala. Whoever he is, those with enough gold to attract his attention have never been dissatisfied with his work.  

Sacrificial Altar

At the center of a depression in the ground, there is a huge rectangular stone that the sages think dates back to the age when the gods still walked in Rassilon. Most of the sacrificial rites take place on this altar and for this reason, its rock is stained red so that not even the strongest rain can wash it away. A hole in the stone collects the blood spilled during the sacrifices and channels it into vessels that are placed in front of the altar during the rituals.  

The Priests Camp

This part of the hill is home to the many Priests and Druids staying or passing through the temple, either to pose questions to the Æsir or to offer a sacrifice. In sharp contrast with the pilgrims’ area, the Priests' camp is quiet and peaceful, the only noise that interrupts the calm is their litanies regularly rising above the tents. Wisemen from all over Rassilon stay and, if the someone is looking for an expert on some arcane matter, they will surely find them here.  

The seat of the Arctic Crows

The circle of the Arctic Crows uses as its headquarters an ancient and complex stone building. Thanks to the care of the clan the building is in excellent condition but its interior has been completely emptied and it is now a mystery what its original function was.   The largest part of the complex is composed of 5 adjoining buildings where all the Arctic Crows not currently traveling throughout Rassilon sleep and live. Close to the center of this complex is a larger building in which clan meetings are held, while in the side rooms are the quarters of the three great Mímaneidhr  

Yggdrasill (The Tree of the world)

At the top of the hill in front of the temple is a huge ash tree said to predate even the very founding of Uppsala. Many sages agree that the tree is an effigy of Yggdrasill on Rassilon d for this reason it is considered sacred and only certain priests can approach it and take care of it.


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