6th Cavalry Regiment

The 6th Cavalry Regiment was a distinguished unit in the American Civil War, having a significant role in many of the war's most signicant battles. After the war, the regiment supported the Reconstruction government in Texas. In 1871 it was transferred to Department of the Missouri, where it fought several large-scale battles against the Cheyenne.   In early 1875, the regiment was ordered to the Arizona Territory to replace the 5th Cavalry Regiment, which was moving north to the great plains.  

Subordinate Units

  • Headquarters and Troop B at Camp Lowell
  • Troops A and D at Fort Apache
  • Troops C, G and M at Fort Grant
  • Troops E and I at Camp Verde
  • Troop H at Fort Bowie
  • Troop L at Fort Goodwin
  • Troop K at Fort McDowell
  • Troop F at Fort Whipple


Colonel August Valentine Kautz

Headquarters Location

Camp Lowell

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