8th Infantry Regiment

The 8th Infantry Regiment fought in the Mexican-American War and guarding the Texas border at the start of the American Civil War. The entire regiment was captured. Many of the officers were paroled, but most of the enlisted men remained prisoners of war until 25 February 1863.   During the war, the regiment was gradually reconstituted, one company at a time, with several serving in battles. As the regiment was gradually restored, it spent much of the war stationed in New York supressing draft riots and performing guard duty. After the war, it served in the Carolinas during Reconstruction, frequently changing station and deploying independent companies.   In July 1874, the regiment was ordered to the Arizona Territory.  

Subordinate Units

  • Headquarters and Troop F at Fort Whipple
  • Troops A and B at Camp Verde
  • Troop C at Fort McDowell
  • Troops D and G at Camp Lowell
  • Troops E and K at Fort Apache
  • Troop H at Fort Yuma
  • Troop I at Fort Grant
  • Troop L at Fort Goodwin


Colonel August Valentine Kautz

Headquarters Location

Fort Whipple

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