
403rd Year of Clear Skies

Helsreach is in another time of great fear -- it isn't the first, nor will it be the last. The Beshnomic proxy wars between the Republic of Myr and Sirtza are escalating rapidly, the unending Aleiran penal colonies are forcing their way into the trade and politics, and the worrying economic growth of Khairae leave the other powers uneasy; however, there's also far more simple worries such as the 4 year drought that has already condemned untold hundreds to starve with no end in sight, the Skeeln raids where the luckiest people die from a gnarled arrow to the throat, and the general Savanna wildlife which hold no qualms about having a quick bite of any traveller unlucky enough to pass them. If you're lucky enough to be born in the upper crust of society, you get to forfeit the more worldly troubles in exchange for never ending treachery, conniving, scheming, and villainy in the name of power. If you've had the misfortune of being born amongst the low ranks, you get the great honor and privilege of giving your life for the various twisted causes of the people above your station. Then there's the mages. People who have the will and understanding to tap into the eaves of creation without it driving them to madness. Their bodies are cut open and twisted to allow room for the remarkably powerful, honeycomb-like substance to be inserted into them: cormeum. Cormeum has raised empires and leveled them. It is the life-blood of any powerful empire and its value is only matched by its mystery. No one knows what it truly is nor where it comes from. Many corpses and broken minds are left in the wake of the pursuit for answers. For maybe it is better that these questions are left unanswered, to leave alone whatever hides in the shadows behind the stars.


What You Need

The Helsreach Handbook, located directly below, is all you guys will need. The other stuff below the handbook is just a random conglomeration of everything I've put on this website and I can't take it off the homepage because I have a free account ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




A band of despites carve their way through the world of Helsreach