Alegore Forest Geographic Location in Helvetia | World Anvil
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Alegore Forest

This large forest used to be an important natural resource for Pithare, but some fourty years ago, an entire neighboring village was found deserted of all life. Ever since then, the people attempting to cross the forest without a guide end up missing.


The forest covers mile upon mile of hills and plains. It was incompletely mapped in the years prior to the disappearances. On the Eastern side, the old route contours a few rocky hills and follows the Pith River to its narrowest point. The Tares River cuts across the Eastern and Northern parts of the forest, offering the safest and fastest detour of the main forest.   The southern and western sides are unmapped and mostly unexplored. The remnants of Journ, the disappeared town, sit a little ways from the old route.

Fauna & Flora

The dense forest is composed of many types of trees all vying for a position in the sun. The undergrowth is filled with fallen branches and the sun barely reaches through the foliage. Animals of all sorts can be found here, from the great cats to small game.

Natural Resources

The lumber used to be of exceptional quality and a mine was being considered to exploit some minerals before the disappearing.
Alternative Name(s)
The cursed forest
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