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Rafflesia The Putrid

Rafflesia The Putrid

Soul-touched firstborn daughter of Alder the Wood-bending and Amaryllis the ClayCrafter, origination from VineMount on the Asmaria Archipelago. A wandering adventurous nomad searching for a place where she feels like she belongs, joined by her trusted attendant Chester of the Flowersprites.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A scrawny bug-like individual, limber but still clumsy. could be mistaken for rotund, but the shell hides how skinny she actually is.

Body Features

A shell on her back, protecting some shimmering beetle wings, though large enough to support her body, not large enough to let her fly long distances nor take off from the ground. A hard carapace covers her body, so no part of her is soft. A long snoot on her face that poses a challenge more than any real help as it causes her to run into things.

Facial Features

Small dark freckles along her cheeks and bridge of her long nose and beady black eyes that glimmer and reflect light.

Identifying Characteristics

She is not your average soul-touched and it easily distinguishable from others, granted that you have functioning eyes and a perception above 5.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a simple moss shirt and a leaf skirt, made by her mother back when she used to live with them, adorned by a sash around her waist to keep it all together. She keeps a large travel duffel on her shell most times and has several odds and ends in her wild hair, namely sticks, leaves, and flowers, some seem intentional and others by accident.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rafflesia the Putrid was born to Amaryllis the Claycrafter and Alder the Wood-bender in the spring on the spring equinox upon the Asmaria Archipelago Her early life was spent mostly alone as no attendant wanted to attend to a freak, until they found Chester, a male flowersprite, who happily took the job. She was taught the basics of survival until it was time to attend school where she received rough treatment in exchange for her kindness. She passed schooling and eventually decided that she would go off on independent study on the mainland, sailing to Telsoria and residing in Khaspi till she can get safe passage through No Man's Pass.

Gender Identity

She likes being a lady.


She doesn't know what sex is and Chester won't tell her, which she is rather upset about.


She went to school to learn the ways of Soul and how it coalesces with nature.


Unemployed currently, but wants to be an adventurer.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She has accomplished very little if nothing at all except graduating her school with a passing grade in Soul and nature.

Failures & Embarrassments

Being born ugly and embarrassing her parents. Not being strong and resourceful or very smart at all.

Mental Trauma

She was passive aggressively bullied for her entire life up till this point and even to this day is called an Ugly Soultouched by most who come across her. This has had a detrimental effect on her confidence levels and her perception of herself. She tries not to let it get the best of her though.

Morality & Philosophy

Raff believes that killing no matter what is wrong, but at the same time knows that it is necessary for some and even enjoyable for others. It disgusts her. She does not delight in harming others either but understands that if it comes to the fact of hurting others or getting hurt herself, she will hurt them back. She would rather choose kindness than spite. Her philosophy is "What goes around, comes around, eventually!" so she always tries to put out the best in the world.


She doesn't think to awfully about any one thing. She looks that the world with joy and wonder.

Personality Characteristics


She just wants to learn as much as she can and go out and do something great so she can make her parents proud and get a better last name!

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: -being cute -being nice -loafing -sleeping -Slinging rocks at people -Nature stuff   Ineptitudes: -Everything else

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: -People -Cookies -Flowers -Chester -Sand -Dirt -Mud -Other bugs -Rocks -Stick     Dislikes: -being called ugly -herself -birds -large animals -murder -loud noises -being pushed onto her back -getting hurt -having her shell tickled

Vices & Personality flaws

-Easily startled -easily distracted -easily confused -hungry

Personality Quirks



dirty but chester helps her stay clean and stuff


Contacts & Relations

Mom-Mother Pop-Father Chester-Attendant

Family Ties

Mother and Father

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Socially inept, bad at cues and a little ditzy at times. At least she is kind.


Holding her hands up to her chest, shaking her head, flapping her hands, shuffling her feet, pulling her hair, twirling her hair, fiddling with object, wandering off.

Hobbies & Pets

She has no pet, but her hobbies include rolling around in dirt, mud, or sand, writing down things in her journal, picking up neat objects she finds, and sitting and listening to nature around her.


She stutters and has a bit of a nasally voice, due to her long snoot. Very quiet and halted and typically talks very little unless you get her started on one of her favorite things and then you can't get her to stop. Sounds on the verge of tears constantly, but that is just due to her anxiety.

Wealth & Financial state

Not much money to her name but she has been saving up.

Firstborn soul-touched of Alder the Wood-bending and Amaryllis the Claycrafter, originating from the VineMount settlement upon the Asmaria Archipelago. A nomad with her trusty attendant Chester of the Flowersprites.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Putrid
9 years
Date of Birth
Spring Equinox
VineMount, Asmaria Isles
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black carapace
1 ft 1
20 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I ain't too worried about it,"   "noooooo I not a hanburgerrrrrrrr!"
Known Languages
Heovusian and Soullish.

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