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The Spider

The Spider is an S-class super soldier who followed Minuteman. Unlike his predecessor, however, The Spider was given large degrees of autonomy, and he executed missions based on his own conscience. This eventually led him to defy orders and resign. The US government attempted to arrest him. He was too much of a high visibility target for his constitutional right to due process to be openly infringed, and too powerful a hero to drag away without causing a scene. Declassified files seem to suggest that the US government seriously considered an assassination attempt, but in the end they charged the Spider by the book. The US government argued that, in light of the NPT, it was the government's responsibility to ensure that S-class and above super-powered individuals could not defect to nations who did not already have S-class individuals residing therein. Such a case inspired heated national debate, as proponents pointed to the growing unrest worldwide due to the emergence of superhumans and argued that the government ought to have the ability to control powered individuals, at least those that it had created, while the opposition cried that the Spider was still a US citizen and that the existence of superpowers did not deprive him of his God-given rights. In the end, the court did not pass a ruling on whether the government had a legal right to control the superhumans within its borders, sidestepping the issue that would continue to occupy discussions about superhumans up to the present day, and instead ruled that, because the serum injected into the Spider to grant him powers was a classified compound, and because it lingered in his bloodstream, that the US government had a right to ensure that said classified serum was kept secure. This, in effect, allowed the government to place the Spider under house arrest, but did allow the Spider to remain resigned. Proponents of superhuman control argue against the court ruling, saying that it has allowed a weapon of mass destruction to remain uncontained and a danger to the American people. Proponents of superhuman liberty also argue against the court ruling, saying that it amounts to imprisonment without charge or cause. The Spider also emerged from this, and from his earlier exploits, as a symbol for many of the born superhumans of the 80s and 90s who sought to exercise their powers without government oversight.   The Spider trained the superhuman Huntsman, and she is his protégé and the continuation of his legacy.


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