Scene: Lysander's Invitation

Scene 1:

Lysander Aquillon (aka, Ravithael ) has invited the Heroes for Hire to his home to "meet a new set of faces." Using his Water Genasi disguise, Ravithael is poking and proding the HFH to find out why they're in town as "We don't get many visitors here to such a dreary mining town." He's also offering each member drinks and a cigar. He also laments that the common people around town don't like to have fun and "only want to drink," and the nobels "only want to moan."
After talking for a while, and if he determines the HFH are trustworthy, he decides he wants to "play" with them.
"Well, there has been one thing I had not yet mentioned. You see, only a few nights ago something of value of mine had been stolen. A set of custom dice (set of irregular polyhedral dice (with 9, 13, 25, and 34 sides)) made from the finest ivory simply vanished. No trace of entry or anything. I would have requested the help of the town guard to investigate, but they are such brutes and would have laughed at something that I consider valuable. Simply return all four of them to me, and I'll give you 100 gold pieces."
If the HFH want a contract for it, he laughs and says, "save your contracts for boring people." But if they insist on a contract, he would begrudgingly agree to sign, but he insists on getting out his wax seal set since he never really gets a chance to use it.
Afterwards, he summons his butler and has him escort the HFH out, as he has important work to tend to. (Hiding his own dice set with his alter-ego).

Scene 2:

Ultimately, he wants the HFH to find his dice set at his "secure" entrance to the Fake Silent Slippers Enclave, with enough obvious signs that there's something more behind it all. The first dice (d9) is "hidden" under the staircase of the Leering Dolphin. The D13 is on the other side of the hidden door. The d25 is right outside the false rock door, and the d34 is in Riclan's (Ravethael's) posession, waiting for the HFH down in the basement.
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Cover image: by IRPGuardian