Wind Stones Item in Hero's for Hire | World Anvil

Wind Stones

"A circle of standing stones within which the air is utterly still, no matter how hard the wind blows outside"
  A set (x8) of carved stones that can be arranged in a circle. When done so, they create a "bubble" of area that prevents the wind from blowing inside of it. Pulling the stones apart further than a 5' diameter circle causes the effect to stop. Removing a stone causes the effect to stop. Moving the stones closer causes the affected area to shrink.    
An interesting Druidic party trick. They use these to keep their tents from blowing over, or to keep their campfires from blowing out. -Alfric Osuin

Mechanics & Inner Workings

With specially carved druidic runes on the stones, they become embewed with a special power that prevents the wind from piercing its "barrier."
Item type
1 lb each
6" diameter
Base Price
50 gp for the whole set

Cover image: by IRPGuardian