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The Meronix are the last species their enigmatic goddess created, a diminutive race of cat-kin that finds themselves more comfortable at the spaces between things. A long lived race, they have no known settlements of their own and instead tend to live among their other kin as spiritual advisors, adventurers and tradesmen. They are the most religious of the Cat-kin, venerating their creator as well as the Goddess of the Hidden Moon, a distant and strange goddess considered the inverse of their creator. Meronix can walk on all fours like an actual cat or walk on their hind legs like their cat-kin cousins. They rarely stand taller than a Gnome and can be as small as an overly large housecat.      A Meronix' age can be judged by the number of tails it has grown over the years, with the most ancient having upwards of ten tails. The time needed per tail is not an exact science, akin more to a personal level of growth for the Meronix but it is associated with around 100 years of time between each tail.  A Meronix is incapable of breeding and does not even have a sex before they have grown their 5th tail, they often will choose a gender to associate as long before that but they put little stock into the connection between the two. They do not mate for life but will often have long term partners where their interests align, often melding their schemes and work together until the time comes where their plans diverge again. Any children from these unions are raised by both parents and tend to have an early life "info dump" of their parents interests that may persist long into their own lives. There are rarely groups of Meronix larger than two parents with their children.
Statistics   TRAITS: Ability Score Increase: +2 Wisdom, +1 Intelligence   Age: Upwards of 1000 years, likely more.    Alignment: Trend towards neutral alignments, they dislike upsetting situations where they do not know all of the pieces.    Size: 2-4 feet tall with various builds, your size is small.   Speed: Your walking speed is 35 feet.   Darkvision: Greyscale, up to 60 feet   Claws: Natural weapon unarmed strikes, 1d4 + Strength slashing damage   Shadow Step: The Meronix is able to step into the shadows, travelling up to 30 feet from one spot with light no stronger than dim to another place with light no stronger than dim lighting 3 times per day.   Guise of the Hidden Moon: The Meronix are known for their guile, their attachement to their enigmatic god and their history of plans within plans lets them always have an answer for a bad situation. A Meronix can reroll the first failed death save of any encounter.    Languages: Common and Leonin


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