Office of Guild Enforcement, OGE Organization in Heroda | World Anvil
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Office of Guild Enforcement, OGE

One of two Law Enforcement groups in Tinkers Delve. The Office of Guild Enforcement, called the OGE by the Guild Council and other functionaries but often just called the "Guild Enforcers" by the inhabitants of Tinkers Delve.   This group acts as more of the muscle for the Guild Council, a body that enjoys the rule of law as long as it benefits them. In theory no single Guildmaster can leverage the Enforcers but in practice that is commonly the case. They are often at odds with The Guild Council Office of Inquiry who are not often on the same page of grift as the Guild Enforcers.    Though they are often the main force of law in the city, most common folk want little to do with them and are just as likely to attempt to levy justice in the shadows. They are considered thugs at best, and chained gauntlet that enforce laws and often take their own cut when doing so. Merchants and artisans have a more complicated relationship with the law enforcement, they operate mostly at the behest of the the various guilds that make up the council and often benefit from their rulings. The upper class of the city considers the OGE to be little more than their own personal enforcement arm and barely veil that thought from the public.    The uniform of the group lower echelons is boiled leather plate, dyed a dark yellow. This is complemented with a dark blue cloak, a chainmail hood and gloves. They are equipped with crossbows, short-swords and truncheons under normal circumstances. The officers wear plate and chain, a broad-brimmed hat with a yellow feather and a yellow cloak. They are allowed to wear and use what weapons they wish, this is often a longsword or rapier and a buckler.

Rank and Infrastructure

  The Office of Guild Enforcement is not considered a military though in some ways it is structured in a like manner. The OGE is lead by a single person, known as the Sherriff of Tinkers Delve. The city is separated into three rough districts over which three Commanders preside, each of them with 5 captains who administer their own parts of a district with. The captains command a Watch House and generally have 1-3 sergeants, 4-5 corporals and 24-50 enforcers.    The total force count of the OGE fluctuates around 1500 people.   
  • The Sherriff of Tinkers Delve
  • District Commander
  • Watch Captain
  • Sergeant
  • Corporal
  • Watchman 
Government, Law Enforcement


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