
Gorseshire is a Petty Kingdom of Arboridge. Recently the Petty King of Gorseshire, Petty King Wenceslas, was tried and convicted of trying to genocide the gnomish population of Gorseshire. He was sentenced to death by hanging. The gnomes of Gorseshire are pretty annoying but the rest of the citizens of Gorseshire realised after they were all rounded up and put into concetration camps that they were infact actually pretty cool so it was overall a good thing that they wernt all killed. Since then a new Petty King has been assigned to oversee Gorseshire.   Gorseshire is the home of many taverns and breweries including:
  • The Hanged Gnome - a tavern where resentful Gorseshire citizen go to complain about gnomes
  • The Gnomeacaust - a tavern where resentful Gorseshire citizens go to discuss getting rid of the gnomes (now closed)
  • Gnome Place like Home - a tavern where gnomes are welcome
  • The Swill of the South - a brewery run by racist elves
  • The P.U.B. - Patriots United Brewery only distill Gin to stand out form the competition
  The popular band ' Gnome ' is from here.
Gorseshire Palace

Articles under Gorseshire