Lords' Light

Lords' Light is the central district of The Great City of Laststar. This is an incredibly wealthy area where the seat of the High Lord Emperor can be found as well as the Dawnstar Church and the Narsus Royal Family who administer the Great City of Laststar. Lords' Light gets its name from the tradition of creating a new crystal light to light the district at the end of each High Lords rule. This tradition began back when Laststar was still just a city state and the High Lord was the title of its ruler. Now that Laststar has greatly grown in size, so much so that the district of Lords' Light alone is larger than Laststar once was, both the High Lord of The Great City of Laststar and the Lord of Lords' Light are both honoured this way.

Lords' Light is usually administered by a royal family but this is not always the case. Since the Lord of Lords' Light is appointed by the High Lord of The Great City of Laststar they can be removed if they fall from favour or the High Lord chooses to appoint, in rare situations, a non-royal such as an influential business person or military commander if circumstances require it.

Articles under Lords' Light