Magitech Navigation System

The Magitech Navigation System (MaNaSyst) is the Magitech system designed by Majika-S in collaboration with the Steam Engineers on the first iteration Steam Rail network. The purpose of this system is to automatically control the steam trains so they could be autonomously directed to their destinations. When this technology was incorporated with the next-gen steam tech and the greatly expanded rail network the efficiency of the entire network was greatly increased. The lead developer of this system, Tobias Weatherthorp, gained massive fame and wealth for this technological marvel and Majika-S went on to develop many more complex, cutting edge Magitech applications.

MaNaSyst was a major technological breakthrough that enabled the development of many other autonomous systems by Majika-S.

Nowadays many people think MaNaSyst is a conjugation mana & assist on account of its normalisation and prevalence in many pieces of Magitech.