Petty Queen Sali Nicket

Sali Nicket is the Petty Queen of Thicketroost. Sali is a centaur. After her parents tried to lead a rebellion for the independence of Freerun, Sali was abducted as a political hostage and taken to Thicketroost by Great King Talvin. After the rebellion was crushed and Sali's parents executed as traitors, Sali was raised to the vacant position of Petty Queen of Thicketroost to appease the population of Freerun and regain their support. Unfortunately Thicketroost is also the seat of Great King Talvin who rules over all the Kings and Petty Kings of Arboridge as well as Thicketroost itself, her title of Petty Queen brings her no power and Sali is just a figurehead. To make matters worse Thicketroost is not a place well suited to a centaurs physiology.