The Door Man

The Door Man, also known as Jimmothy Morrison, is a skilled member of the Z Squad. He was the leader of The 4 Doors during the Zolikz Games. His expertise lies in teleportation magic, enabling him to utilize spells like Dimension Door, Teleport, and Misty Step with precision and finesse.

With his exceptional mobility and utility, The Door Man plays a crucial support role within the Z Squad. His teleportation abilities grant him the advantage of quickly traversing the battlefield, providing aid, and rescuing teammates in dire situations.

One area where The Door Man truly excels is in exfiltration missions. His teleportation prowess makes him the ideal candidate for stealthy and swift extraction of allies or the retrieval of valuable items from dangerous locations. His ability to quickly navigate and escape from tricky situations has proven invaluable in various missions, earning him a reputation as an indispensable asset to the Z Squad.