Three Streams

Three Streams is a tiny district that exists due to a quirk of the bureaucratic system and The Law Giving. During the Age of War, Three Streams was a relatively small settlement with no formal system of laws or government. Despite this, generally everyone got on and there was little conflict. Three Streams had no intention of fighting Laststar in The Unification Wars and accepted to be assimilated into Laststar's new world order. Since they had no formal laws, when the time came for them to contribute their law for The Law Giving, all they had recorded was the census of the town. They gave their population size to The Law Giving, which at the time was just 1007.

Against all odds, over the years the interpretation of their contribution to The Law Giving resulted in their town never being allowed to grow but also prevented the encroachment of the greater city from completely enveloping and destroying them. Today Three Streams remains very similar to the same small settlement it has always been, of course buildings are replaced or changed from time to time but Three Streams has never lost its small town atmosphere.

Nowadays the population of Three Streams is estimated to be around 2000 though enforcement of their population size is not strictly followed but most importantly serves as a barrier to development and gentrification (not that this hasn't been attempted in the past). The citizens of the District of Three Streams are happy with their way of life and that their tiny niche in this monstrous city is left forgotten by the capitalistic forces that would seek to destroy their peace.

For those in the know Three Streams has become a sort of refuge for the forsaken and downtrodden. Since the official population has never grown so large that anyone would bother enforcing the population limit laws many homeless gather here. They exploit a loophole in the law that allows them to stay here unmolested as they are never counted toward the population limit since they have no homes. The actual citizens of Three Streams accept this situation and are happy to help and provide support. Its just the right thing to do.

Articles under Three Streams