Creatures in the Cellar

Recomended Group

6 Players
  1. Copperbone
  2. Tines
  3. Boomer
  4. The Cleaner
  5. Inquisitor
Some of the children from the tenament house down the street have been pestering members of the company. The story has at times been: "A creature in the cellar", "A dragon under the stairs" and "A sick hobo who's fearsome mean!"   This morning, a delegation of children confront you and your fellows as you are stepping out of the barracks. Deal with the creature in the cellar and you will have the good will of the children of the slums.   Meanwhile The Ormsdeep continues to steam.
Skill Unlocks:
New Reputation:




Four Experience Points (4 XP)  

Bonus DTLs:


Ruckus in the Reikland


The Grey Company

Completion Date
APR 04

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