Cult of Morr

Morr is the god of the dead, death, prophecy, dreams, and dreamers in the Old World Pantheon. He holds sway over illusions and all things that are not what they seem. A contemplative god, Morr guards the souls of the departed from absorption by Chaos and unholy use by necromancers, just as his priests guard the corpses buried in the Gardens of Morr, and protects the dreams of the sleeping from Daemons that would pervert them.   Morr and his devoted followers are the eternal enemies of the Undead, and guardians against grave and tomb robbers. The Cult of Morr is not a popular one, but is of singular importance in the religious life of the Old World, for all come to Morr's gate eventually. -

Knightly Orders

Knights of Morr (Black Guard)
Order of the Black Rose


Ruckus in the Reikland


The Grey Company

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Church of Morr, God of Death
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species

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