Replacement Characters

Replacement Characters

New or Replacement characters Start with;         Old Rules for repalcements
  • 65 XP
  • 25 pts of Matching Complications
  • Everyman skills
  • plus any Legacy XP
  • XP from Legacy Complications


To build on continuity and to reinforce that some actions affect the world at large, a Player can enhance any future Characters through a Legacy. The Legacy is an explanation of how each Character that a Player uses is within the same extended family/circle.  

Legacy XP

Legacy XP will be granted when;
  • a Prologue or Chapter is completed.
  • Some high-risk adventures may grant legacy XP.

Legacy Complications (W.I.P.)

Legacy complications affect an entire player's extended family of characters to one extent or another. For example; as a case of family resemblance (Distintic Feature: Hapsburg Chin), a Susceptibility to Gambling that runs through a community or trade, or an intense dislike of outsiders (Social Complication). Regardless of the nature of the complication, it is something that runs in your line of characters (and may manifest to different extents).   In exchange for this Legacy Complication, your new character gains XP equal to the value of the Complication that they took.   As an example: You have a Legacy Complication called "Werewolf Carrier" giving you a Susceptibility to Silver. Silver is Very Common but you can hold it for a few seconds (1 Turn) with bare skin, or much longer through a glove. When you do make extended, unprotected contact with it you take 2d6 every Turn.

Ruckus in the Reikland


The Grey Company

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