Session: Chapter Two - Morr Involved

General Summary

  • We meet with a guy at the church of Morr. The Morrs are basically the mortuary for the city. The guy said that there are about 250 bodies missing in the past few months. There are bodies that are reported to them, but when they go to pick up the bodies, the bodies are not there.
  • the Morrs seems to think that the missing bodies are mostly beggars
  • we go to The Honest Burgher a seedy bar, frequented by thieves guild types
  • I go undercover as a beggar, and the locals tell me "don't sleep down at the docks, climb as far up the hill as you can without getting beat up by the city watch". The Osthafen Docks are the worst. There are still a few beggars that have survived at the Steinhafen docks.
  • I play "bait" at the Osthafen Dockswith the party setup nearby, and we wait for something to happen.
  • There a s beggar on the street with lots of pox that told me that he there is aplace where I can do some work and get a bowl of soup
  • There is a feeling of drak magic in the air which is the same as the dark magic layline that was found in the dock warehouse from a previous session.
  • I deduce that the beggar is not a real begger, and he is instead a recruiter trying to get me to go into the warehouse.
  • We knock out the begger/recruiter, and replace him with Ansem/Inquisitor
  • We assault the warehouse, with Zathras and Tines in the second floor
  • When we bust into the warehouse there is an Eight foot tall green-ish zombie (an abomination) with a two handed sword on it's back.
  • there is a large wasp covered in pustules tries to fly away and gets shot down by Zathras
  • as the wasp is shot down, two men bust into the wareshouse front door casting incantations. They are undercover cult of Sigmar, then tell us that they have been watching this place for weeks and that they don't need to tell us anything. Basically "our bodies are in a different castle".


    Plaguebearer of Nurgle
    The Large Wasp
    Plague Drone of Nurgle

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Ruckus in the Reikland


    The Grey Company

    Report Date
    15 Jan 2024

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