Session: Making Friends at The Grey Dog

General Summary

  • The party meets up at the The Grey Dog
  • Close Shave talks to Chip (the old bar owner) and Chip says that Kingpin is the company's point of contact. Apparently Kingpin's name is now on the deed of the The Grey Dog.
  • Close Shave takes over the bar tending while Chip goes out to find entertainment. Chip says that in the back room Rusty (a vet with PTSD) is sleeping.
  • There is a lot of chatter in the bar about what the The Grey Company is going to be doing in this year's campaign season. There is talk that something will be happening on the Coast. The Sargents seem to be subtely dismissing that rumor.
  • Iron Bitch is at the bar with a few of her platoon.
  • A stranger (an "independent") chats with Close Shave about killing Norsekins, and Close Shave tries to recuit him telling him that the The Grey Company gets paid to do that. Close Shave then points the stranger a Birdie about joining the Company.
  • The Cleaner talks with Whisper and Gambler, and Onkel. He then pick pockets from 3 common soldiers from the Company, and takes half of the money in their purses. Gambler notices the pick pocketting that The Cleaner did.
  • Onkel is being an ass, and talking shit about Grand Principality of Reikland.
  • Eight goes and talks with Iron Bitch and her two sargents Loverboy and Screwjob. The Iron Bitch is very drunk and starts hitting on Eight. Iron Bitch drunkenly says that Onkel is likely to stab Blackie, and we don't know who Onkel is.
  • There is a cheer that starts up at Onkel's table, and Onkel announces he's buying rounds for everyone at the bar for the next half hour. Close Shave is very busy serving during that time.
  • Iron Bitch is drapped all over Tines and feeling her up.
  • As Close Shave is serving Onkel pulls him aside and asks him to bring up the barrels marked "Jungfreud Estates" with red wine. Once the barrels are upstairs, Close Shave starts serving all the drinks from the barrels.
  • Eight talks with Onkel, and he said that his name is Ortwin. He asks what the special platoon (the party) does on our missions. Inquisitor joins the conversation.
  • Tines is able to coax out of the Iron Bitch that she thinks that with just 100 good men, she can take Middenheim.
  • Iron Bitch says that Onkel was the brother of a Count, and there was a political coup, that caused him to have to leave. So Onkel brought 300 men to the The Grey Company. It now makes sense why many of the soldiers have their armour painted over.
  • Boomer talks with the "independent" stranger in the bar about the symbol of the Old Ones that we found at the docks. Boomer looks at him with magical sight, but when she does , he is not visible with the magical sight. Inquisitor shows him the cuthulu tentecle mask. The stranger knows about the mask, and gives the advice to "pick a good poison", and mentions the dreams that will come. He drunkly describes his dreams of the harbour steaming, and now he feels comfort in the steam since he knows that nothing is coming out of the steam.
  • The stranger says that he will keep talking to us as long as we don't interrupt his drinking. Birdie told him that once he signs up to the The Grey Company he can come back and drink himself silly.
  • The party continues to talk with the stranger, asking him about how he knows about the mask and Old Ones.
  • Iron Bitch takes Tines into the back room to sleep with her.
  • Eight looks through the mask (without putting it on) at the stranger, and she sees a liminous form of a man. The stranger says that he's not from here, he's from further south in the The Empire. When he went up to the Coast and the Cult tried to indoctrinate him. He left without joining.
  • Inquisitor mentions the Keeper, and the stranger flinches. The stranger says that the Cult was collecting true names, in a book. Boomer asks what they are planning with the names, and the Cult said that they can use the names for their magical plans.
  • Inquisitor pushes the stranger for his name. He says that he has many names. Eventually he says his name is "Daygone". With more intimidation from Inquisitor and his interrogation torture kit, but the stranger says that "this body will end eventually, but the mind keeps going on". The stranger agrees to join us in hunting down the fishmen.
  • The party gets Gambler to swear in the stranger to the The Grey Company in the party's special platoon instead of to Birdie's platoon.
  • The party and Gambler go find the company chronicler, but we find him dead in his bed of old age. Gambler says that we only need the Annals, to make the stranger a member. We easily find the Annals books, and we make the stranger a member.
  • Missions/Quests Completed

    Ruckus in the Reikland


    The Grey Company

    Report Date
    04 Mar 2024
    Primary Location

    HeroHAMMER stained glass logo