Session: Somewhere to have a nice cold pint

General Summary

  • The The Grey Company needs a new bar to call it's own, and the party has been sent to take over a bar for the rest of the company.
  • Close Shave contacts The Host. Since The Host had his bar burn down, he is now running a brothel out of the back of a cobbler's shop. Although The Host is interrested in having a better place, he doesn't have a new place to take over.
  • The party checks out a bunch of bars in the slums of Entwasserung, none of them are reasonable. We do find the Squatting Dog, but it is empty and we find pigs on the second floor.
  • We then decide to take over a warehouse close the the The Grey Company barracks, and turn it into a bar.
  • There is a carriage house next to the The Grey Company barracks, that could be converted to a bar, but we don't want to put the work to convert it.
  • We go back to the Squatting Dog, and Close Shave informs the owners that the bar now will be the Gery company's with Tines and Inquisitor intimidating the owners.
  • The owners (Chip and Gini) is excited at the prospect of getting paid for anything. They ask for an advance to pay off debts and get fresh ale. They ask for 72 gold to pay off Gilbert who is a local small time loan shark.
  • The party searches out Gilbert, and we find him at his house.
  • We convince him forgive the debt, and let him know that the Squatting Dog is now property of the The Grey Company.
  • We return to the Squatting Dog, and Chip is being bent over the bar, by a guy with a cricket bat. Inquisitor blasts the attacker with Sigmar's fire. Before the attacker passes out, he says that Gilbert sent him. He then dies at the hands of Inquisitor.
  • Chip then starts cutting up the body and taking the peices out to thepigs at beheind the bar.
  • The party lets Chip know that the debt has now been forgiven.
  • The pigs are owned by Chip's neighbour.
  • When the party reports back to the The Grey Company, Kingpin tells us to find locals to fixup the bar.
  • When checking out the bar, We notice that the grate on the first floor is connected to the sewers. We plan to close the connection to the sewers.
  • We rename the bar to "The Grey Dog"
  • Gini says that the bar has always been called the Squatting Dog for as long as she's known, but there might be an old sign somewhere in the building.
  • Missions/Quests Completed

    Ruckus in the Reikland


    The Grey Company

    Report Date
    19 Feb 2024
    Primary Location

    HeroHAMMER stained glass logo