Wolves on the Road

Recomended Group

  1. Copperbone
  2. Hammer
  3. Lancer
  4. Shadow
  5. Tines

  Butcher has called the Special Platoon together for a mission. The few Traders who have come south along the road have mentioned patrols of White Wolf Knights, ranging out from Castle Midfast. Knights of the White Wolf are on our side of course, but it doesn't hurt to get some eyes on them.   Bring Sgt Butcher back a report on the activities of Castle Midfast and it's Knights.     Timeframe: Spring
24th of Jahrdrung "Year-Turn"
Half Moon
Skill Unlocks:
  • KS: Ulrican Religion
New Contacts:




Three Experience Points (3 XP)  

Bonus DTLs:


Ruckus in the Reikland


The Grey Company

Completion Date
MAY 26
Related Characters

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