Alfaris Alqatil

Somewhere in the icy shores of Bahrid, a fresh group of juvenile Pingus arrives at their new home for next couple years. Hidden from the world, they will learn what it means to become a fearsome sea warrior deserving of their troops nickname. It all starts with picking a partner in crime.  
Welcome, young'uns! I am glad to see so many fresh faces eager to protect our waters from the unwanted threats of the world. The older recruits have been working all week to build your nests for the year; if you get through the first task, you can stay! If not.. we'll make sure to send whatever remains of you to your family, if you wish us to do so.
— May the Usturia

Companion for Life

One of the first - and most prominent - skills these naval squires need to master is riding. However, picking a riding partner isn't without risk: the Mahawt are notorious ocean dwellers capable of showing ships what the bottom of their domain looks like — and Pingus happen to be one of their favourite snacks.   Fortunately for these recruits, they will pick from a group of calves whose teeth and ferocious instinct haven't developed far. Unfortunately for these recruits, their mums are there alongside their young and are fierce protectors. While they have been with the pingus for a long time, they will absolutely "accidentally" snack on those they do not deem trustworthy. A nicely added security bonus, some would call it.   So, while it seems like the recruit is the one choosing their partner, it really is the mum that do the choosing and approving. Once a calf has bonded with their pingu, the duo will be partners for life. Many stories tell tales of connections between the knight and their ride. When they are forced to part ways, usually because one of them goes to The Realm of Eternal Slumber, both will refuse to get a new partner - regardless of their current realm - and wait until they are reunited again.  
Wow, the two of you look like a single fish in the water! Take good care of each other, okay? I know you'll learn how to do that here - hell, I'll be the one teaching you - but let me tell you still: if you do, you'll stay companions for a lifetime and get to do the most awesome things together.
— Noot, rider of the Legendary Duo
فرسان الموتى
Knights of the Dead
Formation Type
Training Level
Related Species
The Legendary Duo: Zuzu and her rider Noot

Cover image: Hesli Banner by ShadowPhoenix


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