
The Bladesmith is one of the specialisations one can achieve in blacksmithing or jewelcrafting. People with this rank have much knowledge about crafting or working with blades. While their wares might be more expensive than that of the average smith or jewelcrafter, they certainly are of the highest quality.


Gaining the Bladesmith title differs from one profession to another. Currently, these are the known procedures for the following professions.  


To become a bladesmith in the blacksmithing community, there is one prerequisite. The apprentice must be a certified Weaponsmith and must have worked as one for at least three years.   After that, one has to have studied under a recognised bladesmith for a minimum of five years. As a bladesmith, the master will further built upon the things that the apprentice has learned as a weaponsmith and go into further detail for blades specifically. Since there are many different types of blades, there is much knowledge to be transferred.   When their mentor deems the student worthy and knowledgeable on the subject, they can sign up their student to do a practice exam at a different bladesmith. This smith will inspect how the apprentice applies their knowledge on each specific task in the bladesmithing process. When the apprentice passes this practice exam, they get a chance to appear before the board of blacksmiths in their country to prove their worth as a bladesmith. Only if they pass the exam of the board, they can rightfully call themselves a bladesmith.  


The jewelcrafting community adheres mostly to the same system as the blacksmiths. Here too, a student is required to have achieved the Weaponsmith certificate and worked as one for at least five years before they can continue their journey as a bladesmith.   An apprentice has to study for at least seven years under a recognised weaponsmith jewelcrafter. Since they work closely with other bladesmiths, an apprentice also has to train and observe with a blacksmithing bladesmith for an additional three years. In those years, they learn what advanced techniques is used and how they can work the several higher quality metals for their jewelcrafting.   Other than that, the same procedure is in place for the jewelcrafters. When the master bladesmith thinks their student is ready, they can sign them up for a practice exam. If that pass it, they will perform a different exam before the board of jewelcrafters. When the apprentice successfully convinces the board of their skill, they can call themselves bladesmiths.


There are two primary benefits to becoming a bladesmith. As someone who holds this rank, it is expected of them that they are knowledgeable on the subject and that their wares are of the best quality made with the best materials. With this in mind, bladesmiths can ask for a significantly steeper price when selling their goods.   Furthermore, a bladesmith often has priority over others when it comes to buying materials. Merchants are aware of the status that is tied to this rank and the profit they make with their products. Therefore, they prioritise the bladesmiths when they are selling quality materials, because they will get a better price for it.
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