Headmaster of Morach

You cannot become the teacher of teachers without having taught the students
— Morach Headmaster Philosophy
  Becoming the headmaster or Morach is the highest and most honourable rank a professor can achieve. Few professors try to get the position, but it is traditionally given to a professor who didn't even try to get it. Those are usually truly passionate and enthusiastic about their craft and are most likely to guide the university best.


Becoming the headmaster or Morach iis no easy feat. First and foremost, to be eligible, a person has to be a professor at the university for multiple years. That comes from the philosophy at Morach that one cannot become the teacher of teachers without having taught students. Furthermore, a professor must be outstanding in their field. This field usually covers multiple subtypes of sciences that they are proficient in. They put a lot of effort into their teachings, but also in the research they perform.   However, the biggest secret lies in what they do for the university. A headmaster doesn't teach the student anymore. Still, they have to teach the teachers and keep the university running as smoothly as possible. That also means seeking out new information and funding interesting (recent) studies, among other things. That is why customarily, the professors who don't necessarily aim for the headmaster title get chosen. They perform tasks for the university out of passion, ultimately what the Morach Professor Collective is looking for.


Once a new headmaster is chosen by the Morach Professor Collective, the university will hold a feast to celebrate the appointment. After the celebrations, a small ceremony will occur in the headmaster's office between the old and new headmaster. There, they will discuss the new responsibilities, the current status of the university, and many other intricate details that will never leave the room.
Academic, Qualification
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Morach Professor Collective
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Cover image: Hesli Banner by ShadowPhoenix


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