
Everyone around the Quadores has heard of Morach, the most prestigious university from the <human kingdom> that delivers only the best researchers for each and every field of study there is. It has multiple locations all over the world to provide the best education with a favourable environment.  


Founded well over 2000 years ago, Morach has made a name for itself, and its education. It started out as a small school specialised in agriculture. Over the first 100 years, it expanded exponentially, opening up one faculty after another. They kept true to their motto since the day they started. Professors were tested and educated extensively before they were allowed to teach the students. Over time, they became renowned for their teaching methods, quality, and the research they have performed that has helped many people over the years. To this day, they still conduct vital investigations and provide the world with the finest researchers.  


For every field of study, Morach has a faculty to house all the courses and knowledge. Every professor at the university is obligated to visit the faculty building at least twice a year to get up to speed with the newest research and information. Furthermore, every five years, they spent at least a couple months doing administrative work and read up on new research proposals etc. It ensures that every professor has the latest knowledge in their field and avoids teaching burnout.   Students willing to become a professor get to spend a lot of time at the faculty building. That's where they learn the ropes of teaching and where they have to prove themselves that they are fit to get the title of professor. After all, one must be very much knowledgeable to become a professor at the most prestigious university.  

Talent Recruitment

Many professors-to-be, instructors, and recruiters are present during the first stages of education. Sometimes as a teacher, or to give a workshop, or to scout the potential of the children. They keep close tabs on those that they deem as gifted. If the children keep going the right course and perform well, they get recruited into Morach once they finish high school.   This recruitment program usually runs only in the well-funded schools around the Quadrones. After all, they provide the best educating, increasing the chances of highly talented children.  

Admission Procedure

For those less fortunate, there is an admission procedure to get into Morach. Not everyone can just enroll into the university. The procedure consists of a few steps that help the admission staff filter out the best students.   <Need to work out the steps>

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Cover image: Hesli Banner by ShadowPhoenix


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