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Agents of Krysppa and it's Monastic Orders (Kree-spa)

The Agents of Krysppa and it's associated Monastic Orders are two arms of a religious secret society that has existed on Earth for several thousand years. They work to fight against the corrupting influence of Angra Mainyu (lit: The Destructive Spirit), the source of evil within the universe. Preparedness for both spiritual and conventional warfare is a key component of their religious beliefs, as doctrine states that the fight against evil is ongoing and eternal.  

The Agents of Krysppa

Members of the Agency are typically those born into existing members' families, or more rarely, those trusted enough to be inducted into the secret society. AoK members work to integrate themselves into world governments and military leadership positions. They keep themselves prepared to act quickly upon the return of Kharn and are ever vigilant for signs of other leaders around them becoming corrupted by Angra Mainyu. Agents that are not gifted with the Angels' psychic powers will also train themselves in conventional warfare in preparation of fighting alongside their psychic brothers and sisters.  

The Monastic Orders of Krysppa

The Warrior-Monks of the four Monastic Orders are typically chosen at or near birth. As the Angelic Blessings seem to be somewhat inherited from one or both parents, couples within the Agents of Krysppa whom bear a child with signs of the Angelic Blessing typically send their child off to join the appropriate order at around age 5-8 years old. The most immediately visible marking is bright and unnatural eye color: A reddish orange for children blessed by Shu Ahura, a deep jade color for Shu Laqiip, a charcoal black or grey iris for Shu Nasaan, and a steely greyish-amber for Shu Gameti. The Warrior-Monks of the four orders are treated as special forces or shock troops within the Agents of Krysppa as a whole, their psychic powers being key elements to any operation they are included in.

Mythology & Lore

Though each order has many of their own sacred documents detailing the philosophy and teachings of their own discipline, the foundational document that each order has in common is The Flood of Khârn is a which tells of a human man and tribal leader, Khârn, whom lived around ~3100 BCE in what was then the Kingdom of Sumer.   As the story progresses, while searching for wealth and power, he became lost in a deep underground cave system, fell to evil, raised an army of demons and mutated humans, and brought them to the surface to conquer the earth. The man was ultimately defeated when four angelic beings descended down from the heavens to assist the combined armies of the Sumerian forces in the final battle. Each being was exceptionally tall, the largest being 12 ft (3.6m), statuesque, as if carved from a block by a sculptor, and carried a unique weapon. Upon the victorious conclusion of the battle Khârn is said to have been banished to the underworld for five thousand years. The four "Angels" then blessed surviving warriors, that their children would carry gifts to help humanity be vigilant and ready for Khârn's return.

Cosmological Views


Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu
Krysppans have much in common with the Zoroastrian faith with a belief in a singular deity Ahura Mazda (A-hoo-ruh Mehs-deh) and a pervasive force of evil and corruption, Angra Mainyu (Ahen-ruh Miyn-yu). They believe that acts of selflessness, wisdom, and discipline bring their spirits closer to the divine wisdom, and acts of greed, violence, and chaos cause their soul to suffer. Though the disciples of the Monastic orders will additionally offer prayers to originating angelic being of their individual order.  

The Four Angels

Shu Ahura
(Shoo A-hoo-ruh)
The Illuminating Wisdom
The leader of the angelic host was a commanding figure, seemingly carved from Alabaster, with a large flaming sword. They possessed and granted the power of telepathy after the battle. Warrior Monks from this temple are found in equal measure on and off the battlefield. In battle they are able to cut through the fog of war with their telepathy to coordinate with stunning clarity and efficacy. Many also serve as excellent spies and investigators, able to see past lies of those under the influence of evil.  
Shu Laqiip
(Shoo La-keep)
The Jade Lady
Shu Laqiip appeared, as her title suggests, to having been made from a deep green Jade material. She did not appear to carry a weapon, but summoned a crackling bow and unleashed bolts of energy during the battle. Afterwards, her chosen warriors were blessed with Telekinesis, able to wield similar bolts of telekinetic power.  
Shu Nasaan
(Shoo Na-sahn)
The Obsidian Dervish
His angelic powers allowed him to disappear and reappear throughout the battles, and grants this telepathic cloaking to his chosen. Warrior Monks from this temple are exceptional scouts and infiltrators thanks to the apparent invisibility granted by the angel Nasaan.  
Shu Gameti
(Shoo Ga-meh-tee)
The Granite Defender
Towering over the army at three and a half meters tall, Shu Gemeti wielded a sword and shield and appeared to have been made of granite. Her powers were defensive in nature, allowing her and warriors with her blessing to augment their bodies, allowing them to perform incredible feats of strength and to shrug off otherwise deadly blows.  
Shu Tatziiq
(Shoo Tat-Zeek)
Some records and re-tellings of the history of the AoK mention a fifth angelic warrior, a warrior with skin made of marble that carried a golden trumpet, referred to as Shu Tatziiq. Though there is no known descendants of warriors blessed by this angel, and the ability of commanding speech that this angel is said to have given as a blessing has never been recorded to have been observed by any orders. Opinions are split among members, with belief that the order never existed in equal measure of those that believe that it was somehow lost and disconnected from the rest before written records became commonplace.
Religious, Organised Religion

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